Advanced Safety Systems for Survivable Accidents

AmSafe’s Seatbelt Airbag System was developed as a cost-effective method of 16g, FAR/CS 25.562 compliance for difficult to certify seat placements. Over 150,000 of AmSafe’s Seatbelt Airbag Systems are in-service on over 100 airlines. The system is certified on all major airframes. In the event of an otherwise survivable accident, AmSafe’s Seatbelt Airbag System protects passengers of all sizes from traumatic head and neck injury. AmSafe’s Seatbelt Airbag Systems are self-contained, modular restraint systems independent to aircraft power. Airbag systems also include the Inflator Assembly, Electronics Module Assembly and Cable Interface Assembly.

Key features:

  • The AmSafe’s Seatbelt Airbag System can be easily retrofit into existing aircraft seats for operators looking to modify or upgrade their interiors
  • The airbag deploys up and away from the seated passenger – adults and children, large and small – providing protection to the head, neck and torso
  • AmSafe Airbag Systems are used to meet 14 CFR Part 25.562 16g and 14 CFR Part 23.562 26g requirements in pilot / co-pilot / passenger seats.
  • The systems provide the additional safety needed in a survivable impact.

In addition to seatbelt airbags, other advanced active safety systems are certified and available:

  • Airbags Modules mounted in the forward strike hazard, or seatback, using AmSafe’s patented active-positioning concept to ensure safety for all size occupants during airbag deployment.
  • Shoulder-Harness airbags for Pilot and Co-pilot seats, or any seat requiring a multi-point restraint with a shoulder harness. The airbag prevents head impact, neck and flailing injuries.
  • Anti-Leg Flail Airbag Modules prevent femur injury on side-facing divans.
  • Restraint Pretensioners that retract the shoulder harness in milliseconds, reducing forward head excursion.




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